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50 Ways to Meet Someone Accidentally on Purpose
  1. Ask directions on the street -- later confess that you work on that block.
  2. Drop change in the checkout line and see if that stranger rushes to your aid.
  3. Tap your watch as you wait in line and ask the correct time.
  4. A smile could initiate a conversation with that stranger you encounter daily.
  5. Eye contact and smiles make you approachable.
  6. Carry a conversation piece in your purse or briefcase.
  7. Bookstores -- guys try the cooking section -- women the computer books.
  8. Walk a dog for a friend if you're "dogless."
  9. Baby-sit. Go play with a youngster in a park or playground.
  10. Have a party and ask each friend to bring some of their friends.
  11. Circulate at parties. Help serve food or drinks rather than sitting on the couch.
  12. Hang out in the kitchen at a party. It's usually the center of activity.
  13. Sports bars & local pubs are comfortable and non-threatening. Conversation flows easily among the regulars.
  14. Go out for dinner or to a bar on weeknights, rather than weekends.
  15. Buy a drink in a bar -- this tactic isn't reserved for men anymore.
  16. Best friend: Does your best friend have soul mate possibilities?
  17. Laundromat: You're both stuck watching the machines . . . or talking.
  18. Pumping gas: Fumbling with the gas cap could bring a handsome knight to your rescue.
  19. Take a class. Be adventurous -- a subject you know nothing about provides opportunities to ask questions.
  20. Go to your high school reunion and approach your high school crush.
  21. Offering companionship to a divorced or widowed acquaintance could spark romance.
  22. Volunteer regularly for an organization's programs or serve holiday meals to the homeless. You'll meet caring individuals.
  23. Change your schedule. Night owls get up for an early morning walk and meet a whole new crowd.
  24. Do anything you love by yourself. From line dancing to museum trips, your confidence and independence will attract.
  25. Join a sports team. Volleyball, baseball, billiards -- the possibilities are endless.
  26. Eat your lunch in the park. You can't meet anyone at your desk.
  27. Be a tourist in your own town. Take a walking tour or visit a historical site.
  28. Change your daily route. Your soul mate could be walking a block away.
  29. Dine out by yourself -- solo diners often band together.
  30. Become involved in church, school, or community fundraisers or events.
  31. Visit someplace new and ask questions of that knowledgeable-looking stranger.
  32. Good friends and siblings know you well enough to match you with another like-minded friend.
  33. Make speeches or give seminars in your area of expertise.
  34. Be accessible. Opportunities abound for conversation -- but not if your head's buried in a book.
  35. Matchmakers: Maybe your neighbor's son really is the doctor of your dreams.
  36. Join a community theater group. Non-talented volunteers can always work behind-the-scenes.
  37. Personal ads -- where women shop and men should apply for the job.
  38. The Workplace: A dangerous hunting ground but a source of common interests.
  39. Book-signings or readings attract like-minded people.
  40. On-line. Chat in a hobby, special interest, local, or romance group. With caution, this method is safer than bar pickups.
  41. Spend a Sunday afternoon reading the paper in a coffeehouse, outdoor cafe, or park.
  42. Sketch, take photographs, or write outdoors -- people are always curious.
  43. Take a cruise or resort vacation. A slightly-repulsive idea to many, planned activities force you to mingle.
  44. Enjoy a free concert in the park. Share your blanket or picnic.
  45. Circulate at weddings -- everyone's thoughts are on romance.
  46. Stroll through craft fairs, flea markets, and participate in community celebrations.
  47. Dance lessons might partner you with your soul mate.
  48. Be adventurous. Try white-water rafting, skydiving -- even skiing for the first time qualifies.
  49. Join a club -- from health to garden, there's a club for your interests.
  50. Don't hide at home and be yourself. Never try to force yourself into a situation that's not your style, and don't appear overanxious or desperate. The object is to meet new people. Have fun with it and who knows where it all will lead :) .

By Calli Soules

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